Allusio Together: Empowering You as a Home Educator

We all know the old (and frankly, insulting) proverb of “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” First said in a drama series by a Mr. George Bernard Shaw in 1903, this thought went hand-in-hand with harmful policies and misogynistic societal norms that began underpaying and undervaluing teachers. 

As you go down the modern hierarchy of education, university professors are most respected and valued as members of society. Get down to the nitty-gritty work of preschool, and recognition varies greatly. Our work is sometimes seen as simple and one-dimensional, filled with cute popsicle stick crafts.

As parents everywhere know, once learning went remote, this attitude shifted. Parents were sharing their gratitude and appreciation towards their teachers. 

Families were given a glance into what it takes to teach a child. They saw firsthand the skills and resources needed for quality, meaningful learning.

Allusio Together: become your child’s greatest teacher

So where do we come in?

Our mission at Allusio Academy is to support your home learning. By empowering you with the proper tools and knowledge, Allusio Together will make your homeschooling transition positive, meaningful, and rewarding.

For four weeks, you will gain access to a qualified educator and teaching materials. We will use webinars and workshops to build on your learning at a deeper level, with a community of like-minded parents and caregivers. Our private consultations will guide you step-by-step in curating an impactful learning space.

Allusio Together also brings you one-of-a-kind resources. These include daily lesson plans for the entire month, research-based handouts on education strategies, and tools to design your own monthly curriculums.

We are committed to bringing families everywhere high-quality preschool practices. As teachers, our role in your child’s life can be powerful and transformative. But at the end of our time together, you will always continue to be your child’s first and most impactful educator.

Allusio Academy is here to support you in this journey.


On Mindfulness and Fears


Allusio Live: Your Child’s Favorite Learning Program