What began as my vision for accessible education has grown into a vibrant community.
— Siriana, founder of Allusio Academy
"Allusio Academy was truly a blessing in the midst of such uncertainty about how I could provide a rich learning environment for my children outside a traditional school setting."
— Rifk, Allusio parent & children’s book author
"Each month's unit is clearly planned with deep thought and consideration for what messages and values our children will learn. The material goes above and beyond the traditional “shapes, colors, and letters” cookie cutter curriculum.“
— Allusio parent (ages: 3 & 4)

At the heart of our work is Allusio Live for children, and Allusio Together for the adults who nurture them.

“We love your program for so many reasons that it’s hard to count! You do an incredible job making each child feel seen, heard and respected. This is the truly magical aspect of your program, and it shows what a talented teacher you are.
Your play-based learning is top notch. We are thrilled to be a part of Allusio Academy."
— Allusio parent (age 3)